Albion Excia Brightening Immaculate Serum is a booster for the skin condition

“Immaculate” is a brightning product in Albion, and it is often ordered for us. Albion Excia AL WHITENING IMMACULATE ESSENCE MXC was changed the formula to Albion Excia Brightening Immaculate Serum.

This picture “box” is one of the previous formulas,  “IDD”, but in current formula still they keep these 28 small bottles style.

Immaculate line is using Kojic Acid, as brightening factor.

The BC of Albion insisted me to “it was made with consulting(?) the brightening laser mechanism brbrbrbrbr”… I really do not find out the exact mechanism and guess she does not understand, please do not ask me.

Runny texture and no residue

This Excia Brightening Immaculate Serum is really runny texture, and afterward of applying, there are no residue.

Albion Immacurate

Just for your information, here I show you one of the previous formulas, IDD, it was really creamy.


In my experience of IDD, it was too rich and not quick to be absorbed, and pretty easy to leave ugly white residue on my face.

In IDD, there was one bad point: white leftover film, see the picture below.

IDD dust

When I applied IDD without seeing  a mirror. I must not have massaged the product into my skin enough because when I touched my face, there was a white film on my hands.

This is why I recommend applying this when you can see a mirror and be sure you massage it in well.

But fortunately, in this new formula is runny and more and more easier to be absorbed. I do not find anything leftover IDD did.

How to use

You will find the product is in, 28 small bottles. To get the best brightening effect for your skin, use one bottle a day for a 28 day cycle.

  1. Pour first half (of the bottle) into palm, apply to face, massage until set
  2. Pour the rest into your palm, apply to face, massage again
  3. Finally, wrap your face with hands and gently pull up your facial skin to smooth and fix

how to use

How Cherry Felt?

I got some samples, of course not for 28 bottles. Some people will use this product when their skin is tired and needs a boost. Many people use this product every day for 4 weeks, as Albion recommends.

When I used the first sample pack, my skin condition was not superb it was my period in March. In March to April, I often get my skin sensitive, and it is before of my period when my skin is turning to super sensitive. They mean I was on they way to be recovering from really bad skin condition.

I needed something to boost my skin condition.

The product of Excia Brightening Immaculate Serum was perfumed but not as strongly as other products in the Albion brand. This was the first good point.

Fortunately, and as I had expected, I did not feel any stinging or anything sensation, but if you are in bad skin condition, please pay attention. I know Albion and Excia line,  I know they were not so harmful for me, at least so far.

Well, I am satisfied that my skin is still supple. But now, my skin feels tired and rough, and acne broke out the skin around my mouth and chin.

I did not change anything (lifestyle, foods, skin care and makeup, etc) from when my skin condition was good.  It seems it is a monthly occurrence with my period and the season of Spring!

I massaged my face (with first half, and second half). I felt my face was becoming smoother, and “supple”. I felt my face line was pulled up.

This morning when I awoke, I just I “felt” my skin condition was MUCH better than yesterday. This may have been because I was able to sleep longer and feel rested.

I am not sure about the brightening effect, but I was really satisfied with it boosted my skin condition 🙂

Checking other people are saying

In person, I don’t feel it is working very well for brightening. It maybe I had used only few sample package.

I looked to see what other Japanese reviewers are saying. Some reviewers said that their skin was brightened after using the first bottle. Simply I envy them 🙂

Please check the latest price, and order from here:  Albion Excia Brightening Line.