In this year of 2025, we do not accept your order for limited products. It is a no profit job against the cost, I am not able to do by myself, and there are no source to pay for the cost of labour.
Thank you very much for your understanding, in advance.
Spring Off in 2025
The orders placed after 4th of March would be generally shipped after 24th of March.
Also the orders placed after 10th of April would be generally shipped after May.
I don’t check the mail box while 7th of March to 21st of March, and 14th of April to 24th of April.
Current situation for shippings
EMS — Please expect 1 weeks or more to be delivered.
- Taiwan
- Hong Kong
- Singapore
- Malaysia
- Thailand
- South Korea
EMS — Please expect 10 days or more to be delivered. Quickest is 8 days in East Coast, but West Coast tends to take 2 weeks or more. But It is working.
EMS — Please expect more than 2 weeks to be delivered. Due to the airport congestion, it takes one week in the airport.
- Canada — delaying.
- Europe
- Australia
Situation is changing so quickly. Nobody knows what is happening in the next. I need to communicate with you.
Also, the shipping method is always by EMS . There are no other choice to discount the shipping. Please expect it takes more than usual.
To the Canada & Australia, EMS is still suspended, due to the lack of supply of flights between Japan and your countries against the demand of the parcels.
Obsession day for Albion is changed
For my convenience, I was used to go to buy and pick yours up on the weekend, the brands were Albion, Ignis, Cosme Decorte, and Cle de Peau Beaute. There were two sources, but recently one store is closed permanently. Another is in a mall, and it is active.
You may be able to guess that the mall is clouded in weekends. I changed my visiting is Monday or Tuesday, the mall is not quite clouded.
Please keep washing your hands carefully. When you feel your hands are dried, and getting lough, please use hand creams, you do not need to import from Japan! And keep yourself on your house.
Stay safe!
健健康康 平平安安