Albion Flarune Shake It Cleansing

I have less interest on Flarune Brightening line, in person, I got samples of Flarune Shake It Cleansing, a makeup remover. There are no Exage line any more.

Let me share how I felt.

As the name, shake its 3 layers liquid before applying on your makeup to remove. Hope you can see how slightly blue it is.

Albion Shake it

My makeup are below:

  • Albion Primer & Foundation
  • RMK Eyeshadows and Blush
  • THREE Eyeliner
  • RMK Mascara
  • Cle de Peau Beaute Lips

Albion Shake it Cleansing

I had expected as it had less ability to remove, especially RMK Mascara what is really hard to remove, but it removes really good.

It is a good surprize.

Afterward of removing, I felt it is really greasy. I recommend to use your face washes.

The scent is Flarune, and I like it.

I need to note that I felt something strange on my eyelines, and liplines, I often get irritation with MentholPeppermint extract, and Eucalyptus Extract, and this remover contains Peppermint Extract & Menthol. I felt “something” but not strong, when you are those prone, please do not use it.

Checking what Japanese reviewers are saying about this Albion Frarune Shake It Cleansing, it is generally very positive.

Some are saying it is non-greasy, but as I mentioned, I felt it is greasy, probably it is up to the quantities.

The process of shaking the product before use is also enjoyable for many, turning the cleansing routine into a refreshing moment.

It effectively removes waterproof mascara and heavy makeup, as I felt. Additionally, people noted that it thoroughly cleanses deep into the pores, leaving the skin looking brighter, what I don’t find well.

This product is also highly rated by those with sensitive skin, as it is gentle and non-irritating, and does not cause dryness or breakouts, with comfortable using.

The spicy herbal scent is described as pleasant and contributes to making the cleansing time more relaxing.

Please check the latest price, and order from here: Albion Flarune Bright Line.