As of AW2017, THREE had released new line, “Aiming”.
I bought a trial kit of THREE Aiming.
Today, I tell you how I felt with using THREE Aiming Soap, a face wash.
Before of start talking, I need to let you know, I know some of the audience has a problem in your hormone, or pregnant, this “Aiming” and “Concentrate” are not for you.
As the soap, it has stronger scent of essential oils.
I made bubble with water, and it was so easy to earn.
Afterward of this face wash, I found my face is washed “completely”. Sadly, I felt tight a little bit. Guess it is too strong for my current skin condition. You know, my skin condition is really good as Mid Autumn!
So, this soap may not for my face. It does not always mean bad for you. Whether it is not fantastic for me, some may love it. I hope the “Red Clay” what according to THREE, it may removes my old keratin, I use this soap for my body. It is too strong face wash, but as a body wash, it is no problem even in Winter.
Please check the latest price, and order from here:” THREE Aiming Line”.