Fancl Overnight Brightening Pack is one of the items from Fancl Summer Kit what we chose our Japanese Girls’s Beauty Box: May 2015
Do you understand when I say “pack”? In here Japan, we often say “pack” as cosmetic masks. This product is not a sheet mask. Show you on my palm.
This is a gel. Spread on your face before your sleep. The layer? As you like. I dislike sleeping with sticky face, the layer is not pretty much heavy. But this product is neither quite oily nor sticky.
Some say lavender perfume is included, but for me (you know how I am personally annoyed by perfumes in cosmetics), I don’t find that.
I used while my vacation. It was sunny in Taiwan, and I was tanned. Taiwan is quite humid place for Japanese, but you may know how it is dried in hotel rooms. To be honest, I did not expect it would make my face brighter. I was tanned in Taiwan, but after my return, still it is weak sunshine in Japan. I do not get more tanned. I am feeling my face is getting brighter, but I don’t say this is because of this brightening pack only. Maybe less sunshine, and all of what I am using are “brightening” items.
Anyway, it is keep my skin condition well moist what I expected and wanted this Brightening pack. On that point, it worked pretty well. And of course, there are no stinger for my skin 🙂
This is limited for SS2015. If you have interest on this product, please order ASAP: Fancl Overnight Brightening Pack