How to earn foam for your face wash?

I (Cherry) got a really funny experience with Sarah of Hong Kong. You can use your face washes as your favorite way, but it is really interesting topic to talk.

I gave a foam face wash to Sarah to review. She wrote, but without a picture of foam, I asked her to take photo of foam, on the view point of persuasiveness. She sent me a picture, but there are no rich bubble I had expected, there were just a paste. Chatting with her, I doubt she does not know the way to earn foam, and she is not only one person, of course.

I guess this way might be common to Japanese girls. I leant in Kindergarten. There were soaps to wash our hands we need to wash before entering the room from outside, and before our lunch, and we really liked to make bubbles 😀

If you are not breaded that way, I know there are many people who are using pump style hand soaps, or body soaps only.

Why Japanese girls are choosy about rich foam for face wash?

At first, I guess I need to tell you why Japanese girls are picky about earning rich foam.

Rich foam let you be washing gently.

You do not need to touch directly, if there is a rich foam what can be a cushion between your hand and your face.

And I do not think you can wash your face without rich bubble clearly.

Note: of course there are face washes what you do not need to earn foams, what we are dealing are Papawash, or SUQQU Treatment Liquid Wash.

The way to earn rich foam

OK, back to the main topic.

Because of the season, I my skin condition is not nice, I am not using foam type face washes, they are often too strong for my skin, finally I found a mini size of SUQQU, this is a previous formula, what are already discontinued SS2016 🙂


Step 1 Take small quantity of the paste on your palm

In this time, I took really small quantity, because the purpose is just taking pictures for this article.


Step 2 Add few drops of water

For my convince to taking photos, I use Avene Water, but usually I use tap water, of curse 😀


Step 3 Ribbing


This is the very the photo, the same condition with what Sarah sent me, as “foam”. She insisted she could not earn.

OKOK. You are just in the middle of the way to earn 🙂

Step 4: Add few drops of water & Ribbing

Again? yeah…


It is not enough!

Step 5 Add few drops of water and rubbing

AGAIN? YES! It’s a boot camp!



Add few drops, and RUBBING!


OH Better! But why don’t you want to earn really rich foam??


Here you are 😀


Sarah, I need to admit one point. The face wash what I sent you is not the product can earn so rich bubble easily. No worries.


Hack for earning easily

The first way is using mild water. It’s much easy to do.

The second is using foaming nets.

Foaming Net

They are effective for these face washes. They are cheap and you may be able to buy near of you easily.